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How to create a strong password?

How to create a strong password?

    It is very common for you to have to create an account in your own name on the various websites of the internet if you want to get complete data and further details of the content of certain websites. This condition can be seen not only on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype but also on commercial websites like eBay, AliExpress, JadoPado. It is imperative that you use a strong password when creating such accounts. Then no one will be able to hack into your account by hacking. In particular, can be considered as one of the most hacked websites that have been hacked recently. It is a pity that many people who sell goods as well as buy goods through that website incur huge losses. So this article emphasizes how to create a strong password to protect yourself from such cyber thieves.

    First of all, it is important to be aware of the tips and tricks that are usually considered when creating a password.

    A strong password should generally be at least 12 characters long. This is because it is very difficult to hack a password when using a long password.

    Next, you need to consider what fonts you should use in such a password. Always use numbers, letters, and symbols, and the password can be strengthened by using both capital and simple letters when using letters.

    You should try as much as possible to use words that are rarely used instead of words that are in the dictionary. And the other important thing is that when we rewrite any word, it is important that we change the word in a way that you can imagine, without using a method that is usually used by anyone. For example, when the word "house" is used in a password, many people are tempted to write it "h0use" with the letter "0" instead of the letter "O". Therefore, it is safer to write in another way that creates such words.

    Take, for example, "BigHouse / 123" as a strong password that satisfies the above. It is a combination of capital, simple letters, symbols, and symbols. Another special feature is that the password can be strengthened by using symbols, numbers, etc. in the middle or at the beginning rather than at the end of the password.

    Considering all the above, we assume that we have created a password such as "3o(t)gSp)3hZ4#t9". This is a very good strong password but it is very difficult to remember as it is a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols arranged in random order. No matter how strong a password is, it is useless if it does not come to mind when needed. So it's important to have a strong password as well as a memorable one. 

    "The first house I ever lived in was 613 Fake street Rent was /400 per month"

    Let us now see how to translate a sentence like this into a password. You can create a password like "Tfhleiw613FS.Rw/4pm" using the first letter of each word here.

    Such a password is difficult to guess and can be considered a very good type of password due to its length.

    The most important thing you need to remember is to always try to set the password with a few randomly selected words that are not grammatically correct.

    Only then will the password become stronger. For example, a password like "cat in the hat" is a very weak one.

    It consists of a few simple words designed to make sense. But not like the "correct horse battery staple". Its words are used randomly and the words have no meaning at all. It can also be considered a strong password because it is not grammatically correct.

    Diceware can be used as a help for people who are often unable to choose words at random. There you will roll a dice and it will give you some random words that you can use. Those words may or may not be the ones you normally use, so it allows you to create a strong password.

    There is also something you need to be concerned about. That's not only the password strength is important, but it's also a problem if you use the same password all the time. This is because it allows someone who has hacked one of the accounts you use on the Internet to hack your other accounts as well.

    There is currently nothing that can be done without using the Internet. That is why people are accustomed to using it for both good and bad. These cyber thieves are also difficult to catch as with the advancement of technology they have the ability to open one door and open two more.

    Therefore, the best course of action is to protect yourself from cybercriminals. It is true that applying a strong password is not the answer. But it will be a start.


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