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The genealogy of the Intel processor

1971 - 4004 Microprocessor 

     This is Intel's first microprocessor. This was used in a calculator called Busicom. It was a 4 bits processor with a speed of 740kHz and contained 2300 transistors. 

1971- 4004 Microprocessor

1972 - 8008 Microprocessor 

     This was twice as fast as the 4004. This processor was used for the early home computer called Mark-8. This 8008 processor contained 3500 transistors.

1972- 8008 Microprocessor

1974 - 8080 Microprocessor 

     This was the processor in Altair, the world's first personal computer. This computer sold for $ 395. This processor, which is very popular with Altair, has 6000 transistors. 

1974- 8008 Microprocessor

1978 - 8080 Microprocessor 

     This processor was used for the first IBM PC. This rapidly growing processor gave Intel the opportunity to emerge as a giant. This processor consisted of 29,000 transistors.

1978- 8008 Microprocessor

1982 - 286 processor 

     Also known as the 80286 processor, the processor could run computer programs written for previous Intel processors. Six years after the release of this processor, there were 15 million personal computers worldwide based on 286. This processor contained 134,000 transistors. 

1982-286 processor

1985 - Intel 386 processor 

     It contained 275,000 transistors. It was a 32-bit processor with multitasking capabilities.

1985-Intel 386 processor

1989 - Intel 486 DX 

     Supported for graphical computer operating systems, the processor contained a math coprocessor chip. This caused the computer speed to increase a lot. It contained 1.2 million transistors. 

1989-Intel 486 DX

1993 - Intel Pentium 

     The Pentium processor, the first processor to come with multimedia support, became a world-famous term. It contained 3.1 million transistors.

1993-Intel Pentium

1993 - Intel Pentium II 

     MMX technology for multimedia work was introduced with this processor. It also had a high-speed cashew memory chip that came in the form of a cartridge. The number of transistors in this processor is 7.5 million. 

1993-Intel Pentium II

1999 - Intel Pentium III 

     It comes with 70 new tips for online and multimedia work. Made using 0.25-micron technology, it contains 9.5 million transistors.

1999-Intel Pentium III

2002 - Intel Pentium 4 HT 

     The Pentium 4 processor was introduced in 2000 with Hyper-Threading (HT). It could operate at a speed of 3.06 GHz. At the time of the introduction of this processor, this was considered a miracle. 

2002-Intel Pentium 4 HT

2005 - Intel Core 

     The dual-core processor was introduced in 2005 and has more than two processor chips. The Core 2 Duo was followed by the Core i3, i5, and i7, followed by the current Sandy Bridge and lvy Bridge.

2005-Intel Core

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